sábado, 3 de diciembre de 2022
Campaña unitaria por la liberación de Georges Abdallah
miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2022
Campaña unitaria por la liberación de Georges Abdallah
sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2022
Campaña unitaria por la liberación de Georges Abdallah
jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2022
Campaña unitaria por la liberación de Georges Abdallah
2022: Crisis, Estado Español y gran burguesía catalana
Proletarios de todos los países, uníos!
2022: Crisis, Estado Español y gran burguesía catalana
Sin haber salido aún del hundimiento económico del 2008, nos encontramos ahora en uno más profundo que el anterior. Con una inflación desbocada, una cesta de la compra que no para de subir y un paro y precariedad que afectan gravemente a las clases populares.
La pandemia y su gestión, paralización de la economía mundial, los problemas con el tráfico de mercancías ... han agraviado todavía más la crisis general del capitalismo; que no solo es económica, es social política y moral. La guerra de Ucrania tampoco es la causante de los problemas que sufre ahora el pueblo, más bien es una consecuencia de una situación ya anunciada antes de la pandemia. Estamos en la crisis general y última del imperialismo.
Frente a la generalización de la pobreza y el robo del futuro de la juventud obrera, los reales beneficiarios, casi exclusivamente, de los miles de millones recibidos por el Estado Español de los fondos europeos (Next Generation) son las grandes multinacionales biotecnológicas, farmacéuticas, de la energía, del sector del automóvil, etc. Y además para la preparación de la guerra, en el marco de la llamada "IV Revolución Industrial (agenda 2030)". En definitiva, apenas unas migajas para la clase obrera y el pueblo, y todo para los más ricos. Es falso que "nadie se quedará atrás" y la demagogia del mal llamado "estado del bienestar" europeo. Han asumido que abandonarán, como máximo con alguna ayuda, a una parte importante de la población.
España: estado fallido sostenido por la Unión Europea
Con la subida de los tipos de interés, se agudiza la precaria situación del Estado Español con una deuda institucional que ronda el 120% del PIB anual (dos anualidades si sumamos las deudas de particulares y empresas). Con esto solo, podríamos hablar de "estado fallido". Realmente, el Estado Español depende de la compra de su deuda por la Unión Europea. Situación que se agraviará por el aumento de los tipos de interés europeos.
El gobierno de Sánchez ha demostrado ser un "pelota" sumiso a los USA (Sahara) y a la Unión Europea. En las declaraciones con motivo de la reunión de la OTAN a Madrid, 29 y 30 de junio, sobre las funciones de la OTAN en su frontera sur, el presidente español ha demostrado estar a la altura de los colonialistas e imperialistas europeos, que querrían una África dominada, esclava y sumisa como en los tiempos de su colonización (amenazas en Argelia, tragedia de las pateras y asesinatos en la verja melillense). Además, durante la pandemia y en otros momentos, el "gobierno más progresista de la historia" ha experimentado con el control masivo de la población y la preparación para tiempo de guerra (modificación de Ley de Seguridad Nacional, aprobación de la Estrategia de Seguridad Nacional 2021), antesala del fascismo.
En los últimos tiempos se da una lucha por el poder de la Generalitat entre las dos más importantes facciones de la burguesía catalana: una parte, la representada por ERC, se ha sometido al chantaje del Estado (apoyo al gobierno Sánchez a cambio de la liberación "de sus presos" - los otros, los miles, producto de la lucha popular continúan amenazados y represaliados). La otra parte, los herederos de Jordi Pujol i Artur Mas, sintiendo sus intereses y negocios no suficientes beneficiados, amenazan con una movilización que no quieren que en ningún momento se les vaya de las manos y sea realmente popular. Así el "procés", con la pequeña burguesía subordinada a la grande y con una clase obrera sin organización independiente, ha ido a la baja.
La lucha es el único camino. Ante la crisis y las inevitables guerras y agresiones imperialistas hay que levantarse, construir una organización independiente de la clase obrera (m-l-m, principalmente maoísta) que prepare las justas y necesarias revueltas contra la burguesía, para destruir su Estado y avanzar hacia el comunismo.
Por el justo derecho de autodeterminación del pueblo catalán!
Por la construcción del Partido marxista-leninista-maoísta, principalmente maoísta!
Viva el maoísmo! Abajo el revisionismo!
11 de septiembre de 2022
Traducido al castellano por mararmadadenasses
domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2022
Gaza bajo las bombas... ¡Palestina vivirá! ¡Palestina ganará! "¡Palestina vivirá y Palestina, ciertamente, ganará!" (Georges Abdallah)
Bonjour camarade,
ci-joint la dernière déclaration de la Campagne unitaire pour la libération de Georges Abdallah, rédigée à partir des déclarations de Georges Abdallah afin de participer à clarifier la position juste et correcte du soutien à la Palestine et à sa glorieuse résistance.
Salutations rouges internationalistes et solidaires
Gaza under the bombs... Palestine will live ! Palestine will win !
"Palestine will live and Palestine, certainly, will win !" (Georges
"It is certainly in the global dynamics of the ongoing struggle that any initiative of solidarity allows the incarcerated comrades to transcend their conditions of detention and to be effectively part of the movement as revolutionary protagonists operating in their special conditions". (October 19, 2019)
Transcending his conditions of detention and effectively inscribing himself in the movement as a revolutionary protagonist Abdallah has been doing this for 38 years, making statement after statement, to give voice to his interpretation of the world, analyzing the forces and co ntradictions at play, denouncing the systems of oppression and exploitation, to support the dynamics of the ongoing struggles, to support the
resistances and in particular the heroic resistance of the Palestinian people, always placing the marker of what i s revolutionary and what is not, and in the end to recall in this long and winding road of emancipation the way to the victory of the people, of the peoples in particular of the people of Palestine.
Palestine will live and Palestine will certainly win! This is the transcription that can be read in the last statements of our comrade of the historical slogan of unconditional support to Palestine, to its just cause and to its "glorious resistance".
Palestine will live, Palestine will win! Palestine will live and Palestine will certainly win !
Such a reformulation as always with Georges Abdallah is not accidental. And "certainly", certainly, if it is indeed, especially in the current context, a fundamental principle to be reaffirmed, displayed and defe nded,twice rather than once, as Georges Abdallah does in a visionary way, it is indeed that of the certain victory of the "promising resistance" of the Palestinian people. Palestine will live and Palestine will certainly win !
Certainly, without any doubt , indubitably, ineluctably, inevitably! We will win! This is the firm and uncompromising affirmation, the intimate conviction without fault or compromise that punctuates each of the declarations of our comrade and that he chooses today to reiterate with force as a truth intrinsically inscribed in History: Palestine, certainly, will win! This certainty, never shaken and here reinforced is not a simple federating watchword taken up here and there; nor is it the reflection of an idealistic historical optimis m of a "revolutionary protagonist" disconnected from reality. On the contrary: it is the fruit of an analysis and understanding of the laws that govern the national liberation struggle of the Palestinian people and which induce that victory is inevitably a t the end of the rifle. Certainly, without any doubt, indubitably, inevitably!
Palestine will certainly win! Not because we hope so, we wish so, we like to say so, or because George Abdallah this historical fighter and resistance fighter of the Palestinian cause himself affirms it, but because the national liberation struggle of Palestine, past and present, by its acts, its principles and its choices, has been able to provide itself, in its particular context, with all the constituents proper to the victorious national liberation struggles.
Parameter 1: the entire history of Palestine is nothing but resistance and has demonstrated and proves on a daily basis that resistance is the way/voice of its existence. "It's bad right now, the situation idaily basis that resistance is the way/voice of its existence. "It's bad right now, the situation is serious in s serious in Palestine": who has not thought, said or heard this sentence, especially during each of the criminal acts Palestine": who has not thought, said or heard this sentence, especially during each of the criminal acts perpetrated by the enemy? The statement may refer to a certain reality, but at the same time, to affirm it perpetrated by the enemy? The statement may refer to a certain reality, but at the same time, to affirm it alone is to conceal the other alone is to conceal the other side of the coin : each attack by the enemy is also a sign of the existence and side of the coin : each attack by the enemy is also a sign of the existence and perseverance of the heroic resistance of the Palestinian people, and this since 1917 and the Balfour perseverance of the heroic resistance of the Palestinian people, and this since 1917 and the Balfour Declaration, in which English imperialism promised the Zionist movement to Declaration, in which English imperialism promised the Zionist movement to help it create a Jewish national help it create a Jewish national home in Palestine. Let's remember: 1920, 1921, 1929, 1933, 1935, 1936home in Palestine. Let's remember: 1920, 1921, 1929, 1933, 1935, 1936--1939, so many years in which revolts, 1939, so many years in which revolts, sometimes very violent, mobilized the Palestinian masses against Zionist colonization and British occupation: sometimes very violent, mobilized the Palestinian masses against Zionist colonization and British occupation: the rthe repression was fierce with the deportation of thousands of Palestinians, massacres, the destruction of epression was fierce with the deportation of thousands of Palestinians, massacres, the destruction of houses and entire villages, but the resistance was there! And yet, here too, the situation is serious in Palestine. houses and entire villages, but the resistance was there! And yet, here too, the situation is serious in Palestine. Let's remember 1946, a year of generalized confrontations in Palestine : resistance again and again! 1947 : ized confrontations in Palestine : resistance again and again! 1947 : the deadlock is also played out at the UN with the refusal by the Palestinian representatives of the division the deadlock is also played out at the UN with the refusal by the Palestinian representatives of the division of Palestine set out in resolution 181. 1948 : the Nakba : the Zionist entitof Palestine set out in resolution 181. 1948 : the Nakba : the Zionist entity occupies 78% of Mandatory y occupies 78% of Mandatory Palestine ; in total, 400 Arab villages are destroyed leading to an exodus of 800,000 Palestinians but despite Palestine ; in total, 400 Arab villages are destroyed leading to an exodus of 800,000 Palestinians but despite the "catastrophe", the resistance is still standing. Everything was then done to drive the Palestinians still the "catastrophe", the resistance is still standing. Everything was then done to drive the Palestinians still presentpresent in occupied Palestine into exile, with more and more destruction of villages, expulsions, massacres, in occupied Palestine into exile, with more and more destruction of villages, expulsions, massacres, successive wars (the Six Day War in 1967) and occupations (of West Jerusalem, Gaza, the West Bank, the successive wars (the Six Day War in 1967) and occupations (of West Jerusalem, Gaza, the West Bank, the Golan Heights and the Sinai): But here again, whileGolan Heights and the Sinai): But here again, while "the situation is serious in Palestine" "the situation is serious in Palestine" -- a real disaster: the a real disaster: the Naksa Naksa -- the resistance still resists and even, since 1964, it is organized. In 1973, Black September, with the the resistance still resists and even, since 1964, it is organized. In 1973, Black September, with the liquidation of the Palestinian forces taking refuge in Jordan, orchestrated by Kiliquidation of the Palestinian forces taking refuge in Jordan, orchestrated by King Hussein, a lackey under the ng Hussein, a lackey under the orders of the United States, but which still did not overcome the resistance which withdrew to Lebanon: The orders of the United States, but which still did not overcome the resistance which withdrew to Lebanon: The resistance persists, as evidenced by another black September "commando operation" which took place a resistance persists, as evidenced by another black September "commando operation" which took place a year later in Muyear later in Munich, but also by the commitment, in 1975, of Palestinian fighters alongside the Lebanese nich, but also by the commitment, in 1975, of Palestinian fighters alongside the Lebanese progressive and revolutionary forces against the fascist Phalanges of the Lebanese Christian right supported progressive and revolutionary forces against the fascist Phalanges of the Lebanese Christian right supported by the Zionist entity. 1976: new milestone with the date by the Zionist entity. 1976: new milestone with the date of March 30 which will be declared "day of the land" of March 30 which will be declared "day of the land" in memory of the massive demonstration and the general strike organized against the new wave of expulsions in memory of the massive demonstration and the general strike organized against the new wave of expulsions launched by the Zionist entity: there again, the repression is fierce and the "situation is bad"launched by the Zionist entity: there again, the repression is fierce and the "situation is bad" but the but the Palestinian popular masses resist everywhere as Georges Abdallah recalls: "This strike gave rise at the time Palestinian popular masses resist everywhere as Georges Abdallah recalls: "This strike gave rise at the time to a significant mobilization of solidarity, both in the West Bank and Gaza and in the various Palestinian camps to a significant mobilization of solidarity, both in the West Bank and Gaza and in the various Palestinian camps in neighboring countries"in neighboring countries" and this resistance marks a new milestone in the struggle for national liberation of and this resistance marks a new milestone in the struggle for national liberation of the Palestinian people: "the day of the land is a national day par excellence where the Palestinian people the Palestinian people: "the day of the land is a national day par excellence where the Palestinian people affirms its unity despite the dispersion in various camps and saffirms its unity despite the dispersion in various camps and settlements in Palestine and neighboring ettlements in Palestine and neighboring countries and where it affirms above all the unity of the Palestinian land. Then this long process of struggle, countries and where it affirms above all the unity of the Palestinian land. Then this long process of struggle, of attacks and counterof attacks and counter--attacks, continued with countless battles fought: on the one hand, in the enemy cattacks, continued with countless battles fought: on the one hand, in the enemy camp, amp, the annexations of East Jerusalem in 1980, the Golan Heights in 1981 and Lebanon in 1982 with the the annexations of East Jerusalem in 1980, the Golan Heights in 1981 and Lebanon in 1982 with the massacres of the Palestinians in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps; the continued colonization, massacres of the Palestinians in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps; the continued colonization, militarization and theft of land; betrayals: the 1988 bmilitarization and theft of land; betrayals: the 1988 betrayal with the acceptance of resolutions 181, 242 and etrayal with the acceptance of resolutions 181, 242 and 338 and the 1991 betrayal to prepare the ground for the 1993 Oslo liquidationist proposal; but also in the 338 and the 1991 betrayal to prepare the ground for the 1993 Oslo liquidationist proposal; but also in the Palestinian resistance camp, the heroic intifadas of the popular resistance of 1987Palestinian resistance camp, the heroic intifadas of the popular resistance of 1987--1993 and 1993 and then of 2000then of 2000--2005: the resistance, again! Since then, the attempts to liquidate the Palestinian cause and revolution, on 2005: the resistance, again! Since then, the attempts to liquidate the Palestinian cause and revolution, on the agenda of the imperialist forces and "their regional reactionary affidavits", have continued to intensify the agenda of the imperialist forces and "their regional reactionary affidavits", have continued to intensify with six Zionist militarywith six Zionist military campaigns launched against the Gaza Strip (in 2006, 2008campaigns launched against the Gaza Strip (in 2006, 2008--2009, 2012, 2014, 2021 2009, 2012, 2014, 2021 and the last one in the summer of 2022) under blockade since 2007, with the continued expansion of the and the last one in the summer of 2022) under blockade since 2007, with the continued expansion of the settlements, especially in the West Bank, with the continuation of the csettlements, especially in the West Bank, with the continuation of the colonial policy of forced expulsions olonial policy of forced expulsions like the thousands of Palestinians expelled from their homes in the eastern part of occupied Jerusalem, with like the thousands of Palestinians expelled from their homes in the eastern part of occupied Jerusalem, with the expropriation of agricultural land, the construction of walls, arrests and arbitrary detentions, all the expropriation of agricultural land, the construction of walls, arrests and arbitrary detentions, all orchesorchestrated hand in hand with the Palestinian Authority, mired in its "security coordination" with the Zionist trated hand in hand with the Palestinian Authority, mired in its "security coordination" with the Zionist entity: all means are being used to empty the land of Palestine of its inhabitants. So yes, things are bad: the entity: all means are being used to empty the land of Palestine of its inhabitants. So yes, things are bad: the situation in Palestine is serious and situation in Palestine is serious and conditions are particularly difficult. But here again, the resistance is conditions are particularly difficult. But here again, the resistance is holding out, facing up, reorganizing and even strengthening since 2021 : not only are the Gaza Strip, Jenin holding out, facing up, reorganizing and even strengthening since 2021 : not only are the Gaza Strip, Jenin and other regions of the West Bank once again becoming strongholds for arme and other regions of the West Bank once again becoming strongholds for armed groups united against the d groups united against the occupation forces, but Palestinians in the 48 territories are also carrying out acts of resistance. And now all occupation forces, but Palestinians in the 48 territories are also carrying out acts of resistance. And now all factions of the armed resistance are unified under one command. So yes, "the Palestinian people are still factions of the armed resistance are unified under one command. So yes, "the Palestinian people are still there and there and the Palestinian cause is more alive than ever. In 1948, "the creation of the Zionist entity on the the Palestinian cause is more alive than ever. In 1948, "the creation of the Zionist entity on the ruins of Palestinian towns and villages could have ended the history of Palestine and the Palestinian people ruins of Palestinian towns and villages could have ended the history of Palestine and the Palestinian people had it not been for this indomitable Resistance.had it not been for this indomitable Resistance. And after more than seven decades of the colonial Zionist And after more than seven decades of the colonial Zionist entity being established in Palestine by the imperialists, it is clear that "in the face of the worst atrocities of entity being established in Palestine by the imperialists, it is clear that "in the face of the worst atrocities of the Zionist soldiers and their hordes of settlers and other supremacists" and "inthe Zionist soldiers and their hordes of settlers and other supremacists" and "in spite of all the losses and all spite of all the losses and all the mistakes", the national liberation struggle for the selfthe mistakes", the national liberation struggle for the self--determination of the Palestinian people has never determination of the Palestinian people has never stopped. "The Palestinian popular masses and their revolutionary vanguards were able to overcome the stopped. "The Palestinian popular masses and their revolutionary vanguards were able to overcome the many attempmany attempts to end not only the various expressions of this historical struggle process ts to end not only the various expressions of this historical struggle process -- revolts and revolts and revolutions revolutions -- but also and above all to end the Palestinian people as such. In this long process of struggle that but also and above all to end the Palestinian people as such. In this long process of struggle that is the national liberation struggle, the Palestinis the national liberation struggle, the Palestinian national liberation struggle also demonstrates that ian national liberation struggle also demonstrates that resistance begets resistance: "from generation to generation the Palestinian people pass on the torch of the resistance begets resistance: "from generation to generation the Palestinian people pass on the torch of the struggle for their liberation". Day after day, year after year, the perpetual confrontationstruggle for their liberation". Day after day, year after year, the perpetual confrontation with the enemy never with the enemy never ceases to generate the forces of this "indomitable resistance" which is forged, affirmed, consolidated and ceases to generate the forces of this "indomitable resistance" which is forged, affirmed, consolidated and unified in and through its liberation struggle ; day after day, year after year, the inevitable confrontation with unified in and through its liberation struggle ; day after day, year after year, the inevitable confrontation with the enemy anthe enemy and its project of annihilation admits of only one possible response: resistance as the only d its project of annihilation admits of only one possible response: resistance as the only voice/way of existence! All the history of Palestine in the past demonstrates this, as does the history to come, voice/way of existence! All the history of Palestine in the past demonstrates this, as does the history to come, inevitably. inevitably.
2: Intrinsically, the Palestinian resistance "in this journey of existential struggle" has no choice but inian resistance "in this journey of existential struggle" has no choice but to be: "the expropriation of the Palestinian people of all their property in order to destroy them, and in to be: "the expropriation of the Palestinian people of all their property in order to destroy them, and in particular the confiscation of a significant part of their land, is consparticular the confiscation of a significant part of their land, is consubstantial with the very existence of the ubstantial with the very existence of the Zionist entity. This policy in fact has never stopped, sometimes it slows down and sometimes it accelerates; Zionist entity. This policy in fact has never stopped, sometimes it slows down and sometimes it accelerates; it will only stop with the dissolution/destruction of this entityit will only stop with the dissolution/destruction of this entity--an organic extension of Western imperiaan organic extension of Western imperialism lism in the region. The Palestinian national liberation struggle has to confront a particular type of colonialism: in the region. The Palestinian national liberation struggle has to confront a particular type of colonialism: settler colonialism. All the political and military choices made by the occupier since its establishment in the settler colonialism. All the political and military choices made by the occupier since its establishment in the land of Palestine until todayland of Palestine until today leave no doubt as to the objective: not only to destroy the struggle of the leave no doubt as to the objective: not only to destroy the struggle of the Palestinian people, but "above all, to finish with the Palestinian people as such. Didn't Frantz Fanon also point Palestinian people, but "above all, to finish with the Palestinian people as such. Didn't Frantz Fanon also point out this intrinsic aspect of all colonialism in his time: "Coloniout this intrinsic aspect of all colonialism in his time: "Colonization is a systematized negation of the other, a forcible decision to deny the other any attribute of humanity" (The wretched of the earth). The struggle of forcible decision to deny the other any attribute of humanity" (The wretched of the earth). The struggle of the Palestinian people is thus "existential" as Georges Abdallah rightly points out in this death the Palestinian people is thus "existential" as Georges Abdallah rightly points out in this death sentence: sentence: there is no other way out than to struggle, to fight, to resist and to free themselves from the settler in order there is no other way out than to struggle, to fight, to resist and to free themselves from the settler in order to continue to be and to advance on the path of selfto continue to be and to advance on the path of self--determination. determination.
Parameter 3: Palestine has always been able to count on "its prParameter 3: Palestine has always been able to count on "its promising resistance": the mobilization of the omising resistance": the mobilization of the popular masses and its fighting vanguards: "the Palestinian men and women, of all ages, know better than popular masses and its fighting vanguards: "the Palestinian men and women, of all ages, know better than anyone else that nothing and no one will be able to eradicate this popular Intifada that is so deeply rootanyone else that nothing and no one will be able to eradicate this popular Intifada that is so deeply rooted ed in the collective consciousness and so necessary to put an end to the occupation. Let us remember: "Friend, in the collective consciousness and so necessary to put an end to the occupation. Let us remember: "Friend, if you fall, a friend will come out of the shadows in your stead". if you fall, a friend will come out of the shadows in your stead".
Parameter 4: Resistance to the occupier is the very cement of the national unity of a people and a land: it is nity of a people and a land: it is indeed through this that the identity and unity of the Palestinian popular masses for the liberation of indeed through this that the identity and unity of the Palestinian popular masses for the liberation of Palestine, all of Palestine, is recreated and restructured every day! "The Palestinian people affirm by the Palestine, all of Palestine, is recreated and restructured every day! "The Palestinian people affirm by the blood of blood of their martyrs in Jenin, Hdayrat, Yaaboud and Bethlehem that Palestine, land and people, is unified their martyrs in Jenin, Hdayrat, Yaaboud and Bethlehem that Palestine, land and people, is unified more than ever. more than ever.
Parameter 5: "This is not the first time that the masses of the Palestinian people and their militant protagonists have faced attempts to lprotagonists have faced attempts to liquidate their revolution and their cause." "For more than 27 years iquidate their revolution and their cause." "For more than 27 years "they" have continued to harbor illusions about establishing a "truly sovereign state" on less than 22% of "they" have continued to harbor illusions about establishing a "truly sovereign state" on less than 22% of Palestine in the midst of an active settlement project, a settlement project: illPalestine in the midst of an active settlement project, a settlement project: illusions of two "states" next to usions of two "states" next to each other like old neighbors who fell out over a piece of land, illusions about the ability of the Zionist entity each other like old neighbors who fell out over a piece of land, illusions about the ability of the Zionist entity to simply exist in peacetime and establish other relationships with the region (and not just with the to simply exist in peacetime and establish other relationships with the region (and not just with the Palestin Palestinian people) that would not reflect the interests of this "organic extension of imperialism." However, ian people) that would not reflect the interests of this "organic extension of imperialism." However, "the Palestinian people know better than anyone else that compromises and all the capitulatory versions "the Palestinian people know better than anyone else that compromises and all the capitulatory versions only lead to their loss".only lead to their loss".
Parameter 6: "The Palestinian popular masses, despite all the treachery of the bourgeoisie, assume the role tinian popular masses, despite all the treachery of the bourgeoisie, assume the role of the true guarantor of the defense of the people's interests". "The Resistance, this historical achievement, of the true guarantor of the defense of the people's interests". "The Resistance, this historical achievement, is the red line that must be kept as a marker of what is prois the red line that must be kept as a marker of what is progressive and revolutionary and what is not".gressive and revolutionary and what is not".
Parameter 7: "Throughout their journey of existential struggle, the Palestinian people and its fighting vanguards have accumulated the necessary to meet the challenge and continue the struggle until victory".vanguards have accumulated the necessary to meet the challenge and continue the struggle until victory".
Palestine will live and Palestine will certainly win! This law of history will be and this even if the time of its alestine will live and Palestine will certainly win! This law of history will be and this even if the time of its accomplishment will be long : the victorious national liberation struggles have taught us this. Palestine and accomplishment will be long : the victorious national liberation struggles have taught us this. Palestine and "its promising resistance" which"its promising resistance" which "daily gives us all lessons of self"daily gives us all lessons of self--sacrifice and courage of exceptional scope" sacrifice and courage of exceptional scope" are waging a prolonged people's war, of long duration, of tireless confrontations, with each day its batch of are waging a prolonged people's war, of long duration, of tireless confrontations, with each day its batch of martyrs but also that of blows to the occupier to make the giant martyrs but also that of blows to the occupier to make the giant with feet of clay wobble and definitively with feet of clay wobble and definitively change the balance of power in favor of the Palestinian people fighting: this too, the victorious national change the balance of power in favor of the Palestinian people fighting: this too, the victorious national liberation struggles have already established. This war, of course, is being waged in an international contliberation struggles have already established. This war, of course, is being waged in an international context ext where interwhere inter--imperialist contradictions are certainly sharpening "against the background of the global crisis imperialist contradictions are certainly sharpening "against the background of the global crisis of the moribund imperialist system", but also in a context where the struggles and resistances of the peoples of the moribund imperialist system", but also in a context where the struggles and resistances of the peoples are intensifying: in this contextare intensifying: in this context, the international lines of force are evolving and are essential to be taken into , the international lines of force are evolving and are essential to be taken into consideration: this too, the victorious national liberation struggles have already taught us. Let us remember: consideration: this too, the victorious national liberation struggles have already taught us. Let us remember: "a spark can set the whole plain on fire"."a spark can set the whole plain on fire".
In this open war with its clearith its clear--cut contours, inscribed in the long term, if there is one primordial task that cut contours, inscribed in the long term, if there is one primordial task that falls to the supporters of Palestine, its people and its just and legitimate cause, it is to put at the forefront of falls to the supporters of Palestine, its people and its just and legitimate cause, it is to put at the forefront of solidarity action the importance of the role psolidarity action the importance of the role played by "the resistance", namely the Palestinian fighting layed by "the resistance", namely the Palestinian fighting vanguard as a living force engaged in the front line against the occupier for the victory to be built and to vanguard as a living force engaged in the front line against the occupier for the victory to be built and to come: "Faced with the occupation and the barbarity of the occupier, the first legitimatecome: "Faced with the occupation and the barbarity of the occupier, the first legitimate response that we response that we must display before anything else is solidarity, all solidarity, with those who by their blood face the must display before anything else is solidarity, all solidarity, with those who by their blood face the occupation's soldiery". And in the image of these fighters, let's make sure that this solidarity is itself fighting occupation's soldiery". And in the image of these fighters, let's make sure that this solidarity is itself fighting so that we don't lso that we don't limit ourselves to denouncing the barbarity of the occupier and its crimes, but also and imit ourselves to denouncing the barbarity of the occupier and its crimes, but also and above all to spread and support every blow, every strike made by the fighting Palestinian resistance and every above all to spread and support every blow, every strike made by the fighting Palestinian resistance and every action that participates in its consolidation and generalaction that participates in its consolidation and generalization: "any claim that is not part of the affirmation ization: "any claim that is not part of the affirmation and the blossoming of the Resistance can only be condemned. This is certainly the primary role of any and the blossoming of the Resistance can only be condemned. This is certainly the primary role of any solidarity movement in a national liberation struggle : to bring its unconditional support to the solidarity movement in a national liberation struggle : to bring its unconditional support to the internal internal resistance because it is indeed the one engaged in the heat of the battle, in direct and armed confrontation resistance because it is indeed the one engaged in the heat of the battle, in direct and armed confrontation with the enemy. This support in the first place to the internal resistance also necessarily induces the with the enemy. This support in the first place to the internal resistance also necessarily induces the unconditional support to the just unconditional support to the just cause of the Palestinian people and its fighting resistance by echoing by all cause of the Palestinian people and its fighting resistance by echoing by all possible ways/voices "to the historical postulates, namely: the categorical refusal of the Zionist entity on the possible ways/voices "to the historical postulates, namely: the categorical refusal of the Zionist entity on the Palestinian land and the "Right of Return" which implies consequently, the liberation of Palestine, all of ntly, the liberation of Palestine, all of Palestine". This support to the internal resistance also implies the imperative need to assert without respite, Palestine". This support to the internal resistance also implies the imperative need to assert without respite, among all the other forms of struggle deployed ("Naturally, all solidarity with the "BDS"), the primaramong all the other forms of struggle deployed ("Naturally, all solidarity with the "BDS"), the primary role of y role of the armed struggle of the internal resistance, because just as "the revolution is not a gala dinner but an the armed struggle of the internal resistance, because just as "the revolution is not a gala dinner but an uprising, an act of violence by which one class overthrows another" (Mao Tseuprising, an act of violence by which one class overthrows another" (Mao Tse--Toung), any national liberation Toung), any national liberation struggle is indeed a violent cstruggle is indeed a violent confrontation through which the colonized must pass in order to overthrow the onfrontation through which the colonized must pass in order to overthrow the colonist and liberate themselves. At a time when it is fashionable to speak of apartheid, let us mention Nelson colonist and liberate themselves. At a time when it is fashionable to speak of apartheid, let us mention Nelson Mandela : did he not himself say: "it is the oppressor, by his methMandela : did he not himself say: "it is the oppressor, by his methods, who designates to the resistance the ods, who designates to the resistance the weapons that it must use"; and what are the "methods" used by the Zionist entity and the imperialists to weapons that it must use"; and what are the "methods" used by the Zionist entity and the imperialists to establish their domination in the region and in particular in Palestine, if not that of the unleashing of weaestablish their domination in the region and in particular in Palestine, if not that of the unleashing of weapons pons of all kinds? So support the resistance! Yes, but above all to the resistance from within and to its armed of all kinds? So support the resistance! Yes, but above all to the resistance from within and to its armed
struggle !
! Finally, this support first of all to the fighting resistance passes inevitably through the support to the "torches of this resistancthe "torches of this resistance" incarcerated in the Zionist jails but also to Georges Abdallah "torch of this e" incarcerated in the Zionist jails but also to Georges Abdallah "torch of this resistance" captive of French imperialism. Our solidarity, all our solidarity, with Palestine in struggle, but here resistance" captive of French imperialism. Our solidarity, all our solidarity, with Palestine in struggle, but here again under cover of this marker that Georges Abdallah evokagain under cover of this marker that Georges Abdallah evokes of what is revolutionary and progressive of es of what is revolutionary and progressive of what is not, to condemn as a whole all forms of maneuvers, normalizations and betrayals, past and especially what is not, to condemn as a whole all forms of maneuvers, normalizations and betrayals, past and especially to come. Any national liberation struggle, and especially the one so particular that the Palestinianto come. Any national liberation struggle, and especially the one so particular that the Palestinian people people leads against this Zionist colonization and this organic arm of the imperialists, admits only one solution : "to leads against this Zionist colonization and this organic arm of the imperialists, admits only one solution : "to finish with any form of capitulatory scoundrels and to get rid of the occupier once and for all ! No, the Zionist finish with any form of capitulatory scoundrels and to get rid of the occupier once and for all ! No, the Zionist entity cannot be refoentity cannot be reformed, neither in the land of occupied Palestine nor in the salons of Brussels or New rmed, neither in the land of occupied Palestine nor in the salons of Brussels or New York : apartheid is intrinsic to this system of domination, of oppression that is this colonial system : it is York : apartheid is intrinsic to this system of domination, of oppression that is this colonial system : it is inscribed in its genetic code and it is a delusion to think inscribed in its genetic code and it is a delusion to think that only one democratic "Israelthat only one democratic "Israel--Palestine" state is Palestine" state is possible, or else it has a name: Palestine and all Palestine! This is the only possible way for the liberation of possible, or else it has a name: Palestine and all Palestine! This is the only possible way for the liberation of Palestine and to be able to talk about peace without any other false alternative and it iPalestine and to be able to talk about peace without any other false alternative and it is on this red line, antis on this red line, anti--imperialist, antiimperialist, anti--Zionist and against the Arab reactionary states, in support of the just and legitimate cause of the Palestinian people and its armed struggle that "naturally the Palestinian popular masses and their of the Palestinian people and its armed struggle that "naturally the Palestinian popular masses and their revolutionary revolutionary vanguards can always count on our mobilization and our active solidarity in favor of Palestine vanguards can always count on our mobilization and our active solidarity in favor of Palestine and its promising Resistance!" for the victory or the victory.
Paris, August 13, 2022
Unitary Campaign for the release of Georges Abdallah
Facebook : Pour la libération de Georges Abdallah
Note : all quotes in this text are taken from Georges Abdallah's statements
Don't let it continue any longer ! General mobilization for the
release of Georges Abdallah !
September 22 - October 22, 2022 : international month of action for his release !
"Since the very beginning of the 1970s, the liquidation of the Palestinian revolution has been on the agenda of the imperialist forces and their regional reactionary affiliates. Wars and massacres have followed one another since then and the popular masses have confronted them with the means and capacities available... although the revolution has been torn (it still is today) between two poles: one seeking negotiations and endless concessions at all costs and the other committed to resistance by all means, especially the armed struggle. Countless battles have been fought, some lost, others won, but on the whole and despite all the losses and despite all the mistakes, the popular masses have been able to consolidate certain achievements whose strategic significance no one can dispute today". (Declaration of June 27, 2020).
These words of Georges Abdallah - like so many others - sum up well his political identity, his path of struggle, his fights with these innumerable battles that he led with the Palestinian and Lebanese revolutionary forces and throughout his life, in favor of the just and legitimate cause of the Palestinian people, without concessions, without betrayals but always in active support of "the other pole": "that of resistance by all means and especially the armed struggle" for the liberation of Palestine, all of Palestine because "Palestine can only win! Palestine will win!" (October 12, 2019).This political line and action, Georges Abdallah has always claimed, defended, without ever disavowing himself. And while justice has already authorized his release twice (in 2003 and then in 2013), this is the main reason for the French state's relentlessness in refusing to release this resistance fighter - he who, according to the DST, already in 2007, would represent "a threat to the security" of France and whose "anti-imperialist and anti-Israeli convictions have remained intact."
In the face of this political obstruction by the French state, after 38 years of detention and even though he has been eligible for release since 1999, Georges Abdallah continues tirelessly to fight his political battle while at the same time the mobilization for his release grows year after year on the national level but also abroad. This support built step by step is carried out "in the diversity of expressions" on all fronts by expressing our full solidarity with our comrade wherever we are and inscribes his liberation "in the global dynamics of the ongoing struggles".
This mobilization has its
unitary rendez-vous to coordinate the struggle and intensify the balance of
power: the next one is the "international month of actions for the
liberation of Georges Abdallah" where during one month, from September 22
to October 22, 2022, we call on all progressive and revolutionary solidarity
forces in France and internationally to engage in actions against "the
policy of annihilation of which the revolutionary protagonists are the
object" and in this case Georges Abdallah. Wherever we are, during this
month, let us not leave a political space vacant without the demand for the
release of our comrade being imposed on the agenda; wherever we are, during
this month, let us make heard before all the representatives of the French
state (embassies, consulates, ministries, prefectures, departmental, regional,
national and senatorial assemblies) the imperative need to have the Minister of
the Interior sign the deportation decree conditioning the release of Georges
Abdallah! Wherever we are, during this month, let's not leave a free public space
where the situation of our comrade and our demand to see him released are not
Let a thousand solidarity initiatives flourish, from September 22 to October 22, 2022, to put pressure on the French state and demand the release of Georges Abdallah ! May a thousand initiatives flourish during this month so that what he said in his last statement on June 18 on the occasion of the celebration of the International Day of the Revolutionary Prisoner is heard and realized: "perhaps it is time that this day is intended to challenge and encourage the living forces of the revolution and its fighting vanguards, so that they implement all the measures necessary for the practical expression of the firm determination to snatch our comrades from the clutches of their criminal jailers!"
The climax of this mobilization will be in Lannemezan the demonstration of October 22, 2022 from 2:00 pm, so that we are always more numerous to "a few meters of these abominable walls" to make resound, beyond the barbed wire and the watchtowers, the echo of our slogans and to make hear to our comrade and to his jailers our determination not to give up anything until his release.
Paris, September 7, 2022
Unitary campaign for the release of Georges Abdallah
Facebook : pour la libération de Georges Abdallah
First signatories : Unitary Campaign for the release of Georges Abdallah -
Collective for the release of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah (C.L.G.I.A) -
Internationalist Revolutionary Collective for the release of revolutionary
prisoners (CRI Rouge) - the Committee of actions and support to the struggles
of the Moroccan people - Committee of popular defense of Tunisia - Car t'y es
Libre (Istres) - Poitiers Palestine – Association Nationale des Communistes
(ANC) – Union juive française pour la Paix (U.J.F.P) – AFPS 63 - Collectif 74
pour la libération de Georges Abdallah (Clga74) – Front Uni des Immigrations et
des Quartiers Populaires (FUIQP) - L'Union Syndicale Solidaires 31 - Le Comité
Action Palestine - Couserans Palestine - International Solidarity Movement - France
(ISM-France) - Nouvelle Epoque - Ligue de la Jeunesse Révolutionnaire – Jeunes